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When the going gets tough, TuksLaw alumnus Thompson Chengeta gets going – against all odds
TuksLaw alumnus Thompson Chengeta was born in Shurugwi, a small town in Zimbabwe. After the death of his father, Thompson had little hope for his future. ‘I remember myself as a little boy wondering how it felt to be able to ask your parents to do something for you. That privilege of saying ‘Father I need this and that’. I wondered how it felt to be a kid who plays with others in the playground. I missed out on that as most of the time I had to work to raise school fees and food. I did not see any hope, but God did.’.
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Call for papers: Fourth Stellenbosch Annual Seminar on Constitutionalism in Africa (SASCA 2016)
The Fourth Stellenbosch Annual Seminar on Constitutionalism in Africa (SASCA 2016), will be held in Stellenbosch from Wednesday 7- Friday 9 September 2016. SASCA 2016 will be jointly organized by the Institute for International and Comparative Law in Africa (ICLA) of the Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS) and the South African Research Chair in Multilevel Government, Law and Policy (SARChL) at the Dulluah Omar Institute, University of the Western Cape.
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ICLA hosts workshop on the right to life in Africa
Professor Christof Heyns and his research team in the Unlawful Killings Unit of the Institute for International and Comparative Law in Africa (ICLA) are leading a research project examining the right to life in Africa, particularly the role of commissions of inquiry.
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Charles Fombad appointed as founding member of the Transnational Advisory Group to the Association of American Law Schools
On 2 October 2015 Professor Charles Fombad was invited to be a founding member of the Transnational Advisory Group to the Association of American Law Schools (AALS), a non-profit association of 180 law schools.
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Capacity building in Air, Space and Telecommunications Law: 1-12 February 2016, Pretoria
The Institute for International and Comparative Law in Africa in the Faculty of Law of the University of Pretoria (UP) in collaboration with the Aerospace Industry Support Initiative of the South African Department of Trade and Industry will facilitate capacity building in international air, space and telecommunications law.
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Call for applications: Faculty of Law’s LLM in Public International Law
20 August 2015
The Institute for International and Comparative Law in Africa in collaboration with the Department of Public Law of the Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria is calling for applications to the Faculty’s LLM in Public International Law.
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Scholarship and exchange possibilities at Cornell Law School in 2016/ 17
LL.M Scolarship
The University of Cornell Law School (USA) is offering one LLM position in August 2015 for a graduate from the UP Faculty of Law. This scholarship includes admission to the LLM programme and a full tuition waiver. Depending on need, the successful student will also be eligible for some financial assistance in order to covering living expenses.
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New publication:The Implementation of International Law in Germany and South Africa
The publication ' The Implementation of International Law in Germany and South Africa ' (edited by Erika de Wet, Holger Hestermeyer and Rüdiger Wolfrum and published by the Pretoria University Law Press) is now available online.
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ICLA hosts high profile debate:'Omar Al-Bashir and South Africa's obligations: Beyond the sound bites'
On 25 June 2015 the Institute for International and Comparative Law in Africa, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria hosted a high-profile debate between Professor Dire Tladi, (Professor of international Law in the Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria and member of the United Nations International Law Commission and Special Advisor to the South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation) and Professor Johan van der Vyver, (IT Cohen Professor of International Law and Human Rights at Emory Law School, Atlanta, Georgia, and Extraordinary Professor in the Department of Private Law, University of Pretoria) on 'Omar Al-Bashir and South Africa's obligations: Beyond the sound bites’. The debate was chaired by Professor Christof Heyns, UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions and Professor of Human Rights, University of Pretoria.
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ICLA post-doctoral fellow wins I•CON Best Paper Prize
ICLA post-doctoral fellow Dr Michaela Hailbronner, has won the inaugural I•CON Best Paper Prize for her paper, “Rethinking the rise of the German Constitutional Court: From anti-Nazism to value formalism.”
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Lunch Lecture by Ms Wiebke Ringel on International Human Rights Law
On 2 June 2015, Wiebke Ringel, Research Fellow at the Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law in Heidelberg, Germany, presented a lunch lecture on ‘The concept of reasonable accommodation in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) & the principle of non-discrimination in international human rights law: A disability-specific contextualization?’.