27 August 2018
From 15 to 17 August 2018 the Faculty of Law at the University of Pretoria hosted its annual Faculty Festival themed ‘Year of the Womxn’, celebrated and enjoyed by students and staff.
The Festival started off with an academic evening on 15 August 2018, followed by a cultural evening on 16 August, and ending on a (literally) high note on Friday, 17 August 2018. Students and staff had a chance to thank former Deputy Dean Anton Kok for his years of dedication and service to the Faculty of Law. The event was also used to welcome newly appointed Deputy Dean Birgit Kuschke.
An array of food was available, ranging from Helen van Tonder’s cinnamon pancakes to caramel doughnuts sponsored by Werksmans; from the Constitutional Tribunal’s ‘The Kuschke’ waffle topped with ice cream , golden syrup, chocolate sprinkles and peppermint crips to traditional Indian food.
The Faculty’s Outlaws, a band consisting of staff and students, concluded the day’s events with inter alia their rendition of Pink Floyd’s ‘Another Brick in the Wall’ and the Eagles’ ‘Hotel California’. Word is out that Prof Christof Heyns is already scouting for more band members for next year.
The event is annually hosted by Law House, the student body of the Faculty of Law. The Faculty conveys it appreciation to Law House for hosting and Werksmans Attorneys for sponsoring this entertaining event.