Tesor Makunya Muhindo
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 Master in Human Rights and Democratisation, Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria
Licence en Droit (Honours) in Public Law, Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs, DR Congo

Where did you grow up?
Uvira, Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

Current research topic:
Legal traditions and constitutional interpretation of Bills of Rights in Africa

Academic supervisor:
Prof Charles Manga Fombad

Position prior to the programme:
Political Programme Officer, McCain Institute for International Leadership (North Kivu Democracy Project) & Avocat (Advocate), Court of Appeal of North Kivu (DRC)



  • MG Nyarko & TM Makunya ‘Selected developments in human rights and democratisation during 2017: Sub-Saharan Africa’ (2018) 2 Global Campus Human Rights Journal 147-173.
  • K Appiagyei-Atua, TM Makunya, I Oyakhirome, EK Kabachwezi & S Buabeng-Baidoo ‘State security, securitisation and human security in Africa: The tensions, contradictions and hopes for reconciliation’ (2017) 1(2) Global Campus Human Rights Journal 326-349.
  • T Makunya ‘Commentaire des décisions du Tribunal de Grande Instance de Goma en matière de manifestations publiques et crimes de droit commun’ in KK Bindu & VI Balemwire (eds) Jurisprudence commentée en matière pénale des juridictions du Nord-Kivu, Sud-Kivu et Ituri (2016).


  • TM Makunya ‘La mise en œuvre du protocole de Maputo par les Etats africains : Quelques réflexions sur la priorisation des mesures non-législatives’ (2019) 3 African Human Rights Yearbook (Forthcoming)
  • B Kahombo & TM Makunya ‘Constitutionalism, regional economic integration and the harmonisation of business law in Francophone Africa’ (2019) Book Chapter presented at the Seventh Stellenbosch Annual Seminars on Constitutionalism in Africa 2019 (SASCA 2019): Constitutionalism and the economy in Africa (18-20 September 2019) and publishable in the Stellenbosch Series on Constitutionalism
  • TM Makunya ‘ ‘It takes the whole village to raise a child’: A reading of the Democratic Republic of Congo juvenile justice system through the lenses of restorative justice approach’ (2019) To be submitted at the African Human Rights Law Journal
  • TM Makunya ‘An appraisal of the initial state report of the Democratic Republic of Congo under the Maputo Protocol’ (2019) Forthcoming book chapter on the 15 years of the Maputo Protocol
  • TM Makunya ‘The rights of older persons in Democratic Republic of Congo: Can the African Protocol on the Rights of Older Persons induce change?’ (2019) Forthcoming book chapter on the study of the rights of older persons in Africa.
  • TM Makunya & K Appiagyei-Atua ‘Soldiers in civilian uniforms: The role of the military in supporting third-termism in Africa’ (2019), A forthcoming book chapter in a book on Democratic Legitimacy in Africa

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